Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Write it Down

Do you remember what you ate this morning?  How about last night for dinner?  Often times, our busy lives force us to eat whats available, rather than what is "good for us".  Unfortunately, much of the time, we don't realize that we've had only a few handfuls of cheerios and a sip of coffee at 9 am and it's already 4PM.  This type of cycle, does not do a body good!  Our bodies and minds need fuel to survive and to thrive.  The energy that gets us through the day comes from the food we consume.  Try making that food as healthy as possible, at least 5 days a week.  You're allowed to have those few cheat days, but everything in moderation.

A great way to keep track of your intake, is to keep a food diary.  It's one of the oldest tricks in the book for weight loss and management.  This tool can give you keen insight into your calories and fat as well as the timing of your meals and snacks.  It can also help you pinpoint where you might be going wrong (or right) in your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle. has a built in tool to help you keep track of your food consumption.  And, in addition to learning how to manage your intake, you can earn points, take challenges, invite friends and motivate others.  It's almost the new year and time for a few new changes...let's make health a priority!

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