Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stop Sabotaging Me!

Sometimes the one or (ones) we love are our biggest enemies in the fight against fat!  My Mother used to tell me that whenever she went on a diet, my Father would inevitably bring home her favorite type of chocolate dessert in an effort to derail her fitness plans.  Why you ask?  Because basic human behavior comes into play when our mate is about to start "looking better".  Now some of you may not agree with this assessment, but let's really think about it for a minute.  Be honest.  If you haven't exhibited this type of behavior before, you have wanted to. It's our need to keep things status quo.  But why not help our loved ones in their search for enriched living?  Can't we motivate one another to feel beautiful without feeling like we are getting left behind?  Why not join in on the healthy fun?

Start by evaluating what particular health factors you would like to change, and get on board! Join your loved one in the process.  Understand their needs and why they want to reach a certain goal or goals.  Don't sabotage their hard work by adding a negative to the mix.  Motivate. Encourage. Join.  Positive results can be obtained when we feel that we are being supported by those around us that love and care for us.  Don't order that pizza and eat it in front of them.  Offer an alternative, like cooking a healthy whole wheat pasta dinner together and making a fresh salad.  Forget the fried chicken and look for fun ways to "oven fry" your chicken and save hundreds of calories.  Your arteries will thank you!

Don't forget we all need support to get through "change".  It's never an easy road.  The more intentional roadblocks we encounter, the harder it is to see the light at the end of the path.

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